


*For a Downloadable version of this page, please click 在这里
  • 较之前

    询问住宿条件. For example, in the event registration, Ask:
    "If you have a disability and may need some accommodation in order to fully participate, 请联系_______."

    And/or add a checklist: I will need the following accommodations in order to participate:

    ___ Advance copy of slides to be projected
    ___轮椅通道 to working tables throughout room
    ___饮食限制. 列表 : __________________
    ___ Other: _____________________________

    Make sure the venue is accessible, preferably before committing to it.

    • 停车
      ___ 附近ADA指定停车场.
    • 路线
      ___ 路线 from ADA parking to entrance is flat and paved.
    • 入口 
      ___ A ramp is 可用 where exterior steps lead to entrance. 
      ___ Clear signage to an accessible entrance (if the main entrance is inaccessible) 存在.
      ___ The door has a lever style handle (not a knob) and is relatively light, if the 门不是


    ___ The furniture is movable, or in fixed seating areas, accessible seating options 是可用的
           participants with mobility  disabilities.
    ___ Interior walkways are wide (at least 36”).
    ___ There is plenty of space to maneuver around tables.
    ___ The acoustics are good, and in rooms where audio will be amplified (microphones), 辅助
           listening devices 是可用的 for participants who are hard of hearing.
    ___ Reserved seating near front for participants who are deaf or hard of hearing is 可用.
    ___ Stage and projector screen is easily visible (if in use).
    ___ Restrooms with accessible stalls are located near event location(s).
    ___ Electric power cords crossing walkways and aisles are covered.
    ___ Consider access and space for service animals--space to rest and accessible toileting 和浇水

    Marketing, Promotional Material, and 电子邮件 Announcements should be accessible:

    ___ Clear signage (including Braille if possible) for all locations: registration, 无障碍会议室
    可访问的表格布局. Tables are still the only reliable layout method for 电子邮件,但他们可以
          made accessible by adding role ="演讲" to the element and ensuring that 内容是
    ___图片的替代文本. Alternative text should be short but descriptive 应该强调一下
          the relevance of the image to your message. 你可以输入替代文本(a) 在身体里
          email, (b) in an image caption, or (c) as ALT text on the image itself.
    ___色彩对比. For people with low vision or who are color blind, effective color 对比可以
          确保他们收到你的电子邮件. 使用颜色对比工具,比如WebAIM 颜色检查器
          test the contrast between text and background colors
    ___视频字幕. 确保所有视频都有字幕.
    ___清晰的文字. Avoid font sizes smaller than 14 pixels, allow for enough line height 和段落
          space, and left-align text to improve legibility.


    Make sure the event website meets WCAG 2.1级和ADA合规性.

  • 事件


    • 指派一个辅助功能协调器 to be responsible for accommodations and to:

    Communicate with the DRC with any accommodation requests or to seek technical assistance

    • 电子邮件 DRC@hebhgkq.com 或致电970-351-2289寻求帮助. 
    • Help provide accessible digital copies of all 演讲 materials in advance so that they can be downloaded by or forwarded to individuals who may not be able to 查看屏幕或图表.
    • Work with interpreters, translators, and CART transcribers.


    • Ensure captioning and other technology is working.



    • Inform presenters about accessibility requirements.
    • Let them know up front that all materials should be accessible.
    • 为演讲者提供帮助.

    Assist presenters by providing a list of tips for making their 演讲 accessible. 这个清单上的项目包括:

    ___ Provide digital copies of meeting materials in advance so that they can be forwarded to
          individuals who may not be able to 查看屏幕或图表.
    ___ Provide printed copies of materials in a large font.
    ___ Captions all videos used in 演讲s.
    ___ Verbally describe visual materials (e.g.、幻灯片、图表、图像和图形) 阅读所有幻灯片
    ___ Limit movement while presenting to make it easier for someone reading lips.
    ___ Organize breakout 集团 activities to maximize distance between 集团s (e.g. 每一个 集团
          going to a corner of the room or side rooms).

    Make PowerPoint and other slide 演讲s accessible

    ___ Use a large font size -- at least 22 point. 
    ___ Make sure slides have good contrast.
    ___ Text on a slide should have nothing behind it (no watermarks or images).
    ___ Provide “alternative text” descriptions for all images, pictures, graphics, tables, 等.
    ___ Keep slide text clear and concise with short sentences and bulleted phrases (about 4行
    ___ Don’t add text boxes, use the slide layouts provided in PowerPoint. 
    ___ Photographs, images, clip art, graphics, maps, and charts cannot be read by screen 读者;
          embed alt text descriptions with images and other graphic elements.


    ___ Repeat questions posted by the audience.
    ___ Ask presenters and audience members to use a microphone.


    Consider the varying abilities of your audience when selecting activities for your 演讲. For example, activities such as shuffle the cards, read the card, and pull the paper from under your chair may not be possible for some attendees.

  • 事件后续

    Gather anonymous feedback from participants. If sessions are recorded, provide captions 和/或记录.
