
虹膜项目 协调员, Kelly Decker, presents an introduction to 的 虹膜项目 美国手语(ASL).


的 改善 农村口译技能 (虹膜) P工程” 是2美元.100万美元,五年口译培训补助金. 这笔拨款是由美国政府资助的.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration to 的 University 北科罗拉多的 美国手语系 & 解释研究博士的领导. Leilani Johnson, Schawn Hardesty, and Kelly Decker. 的资金 will be used between October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2026. 


的 虹膜项目 envisions increasing 的 quantity and quality of interpreters working and living in rural settings by cultivating educational opportunities and sustainable 支持职业发展的人际关系.

肖恩Vriezen 在美国手语中分享虹膜项目的愿景.

In order to realize its vision, 的 虹膜项目:

  • recognizes that rural interpreters experience professional isolation with limited 教育机会,
  • upholds that 的 shared language of our space toge的r is ASL,
  • creates 的 intentional space for rural interpreters to build an ethical support community,
  • implements communities of learning that have 的 shared experience of living and working 在农村环境中,
  • requires that diverse perspectives are intentionally sought to provide depth and balance to 的 learning experience and one's personal growth, and
  • 相信通过对话接触 peer interaction is centered on exploration and discovery as a pathway to learning.


的 虹膜P工程” is focused on improving 的 skills of 80 working interpreters and 20 mentor/facilitators 在国家的农村地区. 

虽然这个项目是全国性的, 虹膜 will focus its activities in three noncontiguous geographical areas:

  • 东北部(缅因州,新罕布什尔州, & 佛蒙特州),

  • 东南部(阿拉巴马州,路易斯安那州, & 密西西比州),

  • 的 intermountain west (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Washington, & 怀俄明).

Map showing 的 states where 虹膜 will focus 的ir training


这些地理区域 are specifically targeted as 的y have limited training opportunities for individuals wishing to work as interpreters in community settings with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, 聋盲消费者. Individuals functioning as interpreters in 的se areas commonly lack 的 comprehensive knowledge and skill sets required to provide equal communication 访问. Generally overlooked by training entities and professional organizations, 的se interpreters are consequently unable to attain 的 necessary and appropriately sequenced training that recognizes existing competencies, accumulate academic credentials, or acquire professional certification to improve 的ir services. 


的 改善 农村口译技能 (虹膜) P工程” 有三个设想的目标 2021-2026 格兰特时期. In 的 following video, Decker shares 的 three goals of 虹膜 in ASL.


Design or modify ~300 hours of interpreting knowledge and skills training for a 1-year hybrid delivery 系统 followed by a 6-month induction/mentorship experience.



Design or modify ~120小时 mentor/facilitator training for a 4-month hybrid delivery 系统.

Prepare 20 facilitators which represent a qualified and diverse pool of  ASL and interpreting 需要支持的导师 虹膜 students and o的r interpreters within 的ir respective spheres of influence. 


Explore, define, and pilot 系统s that move demonstrated competencies toward academic 信用和/或口译证书.


  • 农村地区合格的工作口译员
  • interested interpreter education programs across 的 nation

的se interpreters and facilitators will be recruited using a snowball method of contact due to 的 complexity of finding and connecting with this particularly hard-to-serve population of learners and mentors who will be admitted and utilized in this professional 开发项目. 

P工程”ed Timeline for Grant (Subject to Change)

年1 - 2


~120小时 虹膜 facilitator and mentor training delivered to potential instructional team members 

2022年6月- 2023年12月

Training delivered to selected 虹膜: 核心 Initiative 参与者 (Cohort 1)

年2 - 3

2023年6月- 2024年12月

Training delivered to selected 虹膜: 核心 Initiative 参与者 (Cohort 2)

年3 - 4

2024年1月- 5月

~120小时 facilitator and mentor training delivered to selected 虹膜 参与者 

2024年6月- 2025年12月

Training delivered to selected 虹膜: 核心 Initiative 参与者 (Cohort 3)



的 虹膜 leadership team, facilitators, mentors, and 虹膜: 核心 Initiative 参与者 attend a professional conference toge的r, location and dates TBD.


这个的内容 网站 是由政府拨款(H160D210006). HD160D210006 (北科罗拉多大学) 综合注册资讯系统计划- 改善 农村口译技能 was one of several interpreter training p工程”s to receive funding  援助清单编号(ALN) 84.160D: 2021-2026. 虹膜 was awarded 下 Specialty Area 5, field initiated, in 的 topic area of improving 农村口译技巧.

的 contents of 的 虹膜项目 网站 does not necessarily represent 的 policy of 的 Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by 的 Federal 政府. (授权:20美元.S.C. 1221e-3及3474).

Logo for 的 National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials

National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials (NCRTM) 网站 is a central portal for 访问ing archived and new rehabilitation training resources offering search capabilities, a quality rating 系统, as well 增强了可用性和可访问性.