

决定做报告是一个非常个人的选择. 有几个选项 survivors to 报告 in a variety of ways with different processes and potential outcomes. 尽快的倡导者 are here to help outline the various options so that survivors can make an informed choice and support you throughout the 报告ing process. 尽快的倡导者 are always available to accompany survivors to local police stations, the 医院, or the Office of Institutional 公平与合规 to 报告. 


Survivors can work with law enforcement agencies to 报告 instances of sexual and 关系暴力和跟踪. 



A medical 报告 is when a survivor 报告s to a doctor or forensic nurse during an 考试.  幸存者拥有 option of remaining anonymous or 不 when making a medical 报告. 



Students and employees can 报告 with the University at the Office of Institutional 公平与合规. 有很多选择 on whether or 不 a formal or informal process 提供. 







幸存者可以选择向执法部门举报. 如果是紧急情况,你应该 拨打911. If it is a non-emergency, it is important to know that you should 报告 与犯罪发生地的执法机构联系. 例如,你可以活下来 on-campus, but if the crime committed against you was 不 on-campus property, you 将 报告 to UNC PD, but the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the place 犯罪发生了.g.,格里利警察局,柯林斯堡警察局,约翰斯敦警察局等.) 

尽快的倡导者 and UNC Police Officers are always here to answer questions and help 你和合适的执法机构取得联系.

Survivors are often nervous about getting the process started. 这可能会让人不知所措! 的 first step in any law enforcement investigation is an initial 报告, which is normally taken by a police officer either at a police station, over the phone, at the ASAP office or other advocacy agency, or at your residence. 幸存者拥有 right to choose how this 报告 is taken and who is in the room with them. 尽快的倡导者 and community-based advocate are available to act as a silent support for any survivor 谁希望报告的时候有人陪着. 向联合国军司令部提供的资料 PD will be shared with staff in the Office of Institutional 公平与合规 and the Office of the Dean of Students so that support and accommodations can be provided to you, and so that necessary steps can be taken by the institution to help protect 你和校园社区. 

After the initial 报告, there may be follow up conversations and actions taken by 收集证据并确认信息的侦探. 这是当犯罪者 will be aware there has been a 报告 and will most likely be interviewed by detectives.  As the 报告ing party of a crime, you have rights to be informed about the investigation 这就是进步.  了解更多博天堂官方网站你的权利. 

Survivors should also know that pursuing a criminal case does 不 commit a prosecuting 律师准备立案. 一旦调查结束,所有的调查 material is turned over to the district attorney and it is their choice on whether or 不 charges are filed and the accused is arrested, and the case moves into the 法院系统. 


Survivors also have the option of 报告ing with a forensic nurse or doctor at the 医院. 法医鉴定有多重目的. 一是确保幸存者 no serious injuries that require medical treatment and to provide preventative measures like Plan B, antibiotics, or PEP for concerns about unwanted pregnancy or STIs. 的 secondary purpose is to collect evidence, document injuries, and to record a survivor 声明. 的re are several 报告ing options for survivors when seeking a forensic 考试, which can include law enforcement or the survivor remaining anonymous. 


幸存者拥有 option of having law enforcement 不ified at the time of the forensic 警方将进行检查并出具报告. 这就开始了调查过程. 


幸存者拥有 option of giving their 声明 to the forensic nurse and providing 他们的名字和信息. 执法部门不叫,不过信息 提供 to law enforcement and the evidence is stored for up to two years by local 或者校园执法. 的 survivor has the option to make a 报告 with law enforcement 在任何时候. 


幸存者拥有 right to remain anonymous and still receive a forensic 考试. 证据 会被收集并记录一份报表吗. 不会叫来执法部门. All evidence will be stored under an ID number for up to two years by law enforcement. 的 survivor has the option to make a 报告 with law enforcement 在任何时候. 

Forensic 考试s have a time limit due to the fact that evidence is viable for certain 窗户. Speak with an ASAP advocate to learn more about forensic 考试s and explore 如果有一个适合你.  尽快的倡导者 can support survivors by calling the 医院 and alerting the emergency room the on-call forensic nurse is needed. 这很有帮助 减少幸存者的等待时间. 倡导者也可以陪伴幸存者 去医院让他们感觉舒服点. 

大多数幸存者担心法医检查的费用. 法医鉴定本身 是免费的. 任何预防性药物都是免费的. 幸存者唯一的代价 is if they are required to see a doctor due to injuries sustained. 有很多选择 当涉及到使用或不使用保险. 请安排一个约会 ASAP倡导者,了解更多. 


UNC community members have the option to 报告 any form of gender-based violence to the University through the Office of Institutional 公平与合规 (OIEC). Unlike 报告ing with law enforcement, 报告ing to the University does 不 prompt 刑事调查. OIEC can provide supportive measures, investigate the incident, identify any policy violations, and make recommendations to remedy the situation. 

尽快的倡导者 are available to outline the different processes available to UNC community members through the Office of Institutional 公平与合规 (OIEC) and to identify 正式过程和非正式过程的区别. 

If both parties involved are 不 UNC students, there are still options for students 接受OIEC的支援服务. 目的是让所有幸存者都能继续做学生 并取得成功. However, OIEC can不 hold a non UNC community member to the student 行为准则或联合国军司令部政策. 尽快的倡导者可以谈论什么 你或 点击这里了解更多.