

的 切净 is a network of supportive individuals that includes the 切 faculty, 专业员工和学生员工. 的 sole purpose of this network is to support 切的参与者.

的 entire UNC community also plays an active role in contributing towards the students’ 学术成就. We believe that in working together we can better help support our students with issues that may affect their 学术成就.



 的切 director provides an additional layer of support to all program participants. 的 director advocates for those students needing further assistance with concerns regarding housing, finances, academics, or personal needs that may affect the student's 能够继续上大学.


的切 front desk staff is your first point of contact when you walk into the 切 办公室. 的y help you get connected to the resources that you need here in 切 和 they are the link to other members of your 切净 (advising, tutoring, faculty). All 切 front desk staff members are also students in the 切 program, so they are excited to welcome you 和 support your success. 请随时到前台来 Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm or contact 970-351-1905 to schedule appointments.


的切 Academic Advisors provide individualized support to help participants navigate issues, as needed, around their academics, personal, financial, 和/or living arrangement. Our 切 junior 和 senior 参与者 assigned to a 切 academic advisor through 他们在博天堂官方注册的时间. 的 必须是高等教育学院的学生 to meet two or more times each semester with their assigned 切 advisor 和 attend 每学期2-3次工作坊.


Our first-year 和 sophomore  切/SSS program 参与者 assigned to a 切 Peer Advisor who are upper class 切的参与者 responsible for providing personal 和 实用学术支援服务. 的 同行顾问 play a significant role in assisting their assigned students with their academic planning, financial aid, scholarship information, registration, transitioning to campus life, 和 accessing appropriate 校园资源.

的切 新生 参与者 要求 to meet with their assigned Peer Advisor 六个 或每学期多次参加 2-4 每学期工作坊. Our goal is to establish a life-long relationship with our 切的参与者 within their first year.

As 二年级的学生 这个学生是 要求 to schedule to meet with their assigned Peer Advisor 三次以上 each semester through the duration of their graduation 和 attend 2-4 每学期工作坊. 

的切 同行顾问 also serve as a student advocate; they are a significant contact person who contributes to 关怀和支持的校园氛围 to our 切的参与者. For any questions regarding the 同行顾问, contact 植物鲍威尔 at 970-351-2393.


 只要你是一个 切的参与者, if you need any help with a writing assignment in English courses or other courses (within your majors), then make an appointment to meet with one of our 切 English 的同学. Our 切 的同学 are eligible for national certification through the College Reading 和 Learning Association (CRLA).

To schedule a tutoring appointment with a 切 Peer Tutor you may stop by the 切 总部(Michener L116)或致电 970-351-1905 预约. Our front desk staff will be more than happy to assist you. For any questions regarding Peer Tutoring services contact 辛西娅·米切尔 at 970-351-2131.


的切 faculty are an additional support system for 切的参与者, they teach courses for the first year students, the courses include: ENG 122/123, Et 100,大学101;123年自由. 的切 faculty are available, in 和 out of the classroom, to help further assist 切的参与者 to achieve their academic goals. 我们高度鼓励切参与者 to establish a good relationship with the 切 faculty, including their program faculty, as they will become part of their career network.


切 is very fortunate to have staff psychologist, Dr. 李·谢弗曼(李 Shefferman. 李) available to meet with 切的参与者 (by appointment only) who wish to seek 退出此服务. Dr. 李 is available eight hours a week in the lower level of Michener 图书馆. 联系UNC咨询中心 970-351-2496 to schedule an appointment, when you call identify yourself as a 切的参与者 so they will know to schedule you directly with Dr. 李. 所有共享的信息都是保密的.


的切/SSS 同伴导师 are upper class 切的参与者 who 志愿者 to help new 切的参与者 navigate a successful transition to the UNC campus 和 大学生的生活. 的 同伴导师 are responsible for helping find campus resources, providing mentoring 和 additional support services to their assigned 切 第一年参加.

的切 同伴导师 also serve as a significant contact person who contributes to 关怀和支持的校园氛围. For more information on the 切 Peer Mentoring 计划,联系 德国Tesfai at 970-351-1387.


的切 lab consultants are upper class 切的参与者 hired to help you navigate technology issues with any of the computer lab’s software 和 other available technologies 联合国军司令部支助. 的 lab consultants are more than happy to answer your questions about software, or general questions regarding academic support.

的切 同行实验室顾问 also serve as role models to other 切 students, so stop by the 切电脑室 和 introduce yourself.
If you have any questions regarding the 切 computer lab please contact the ET 协调员 at 970-351-2996.