

It can be challenging to find the right balance between supporting your student and providing them with the right amount of space to build problem-solving skills.  然而, 如果你注意到了 痛苦的迹象 and are concerned for your student, it is important that they know you are there 支持他们,即使是在遥远的地方.  Here are some ways that you can help if you 怀疑你的学生正在挣扎:

会说话的 & 听

的 simplest way of helping can be by providing an ear and being mentally present 和你的学生.  You can start the conversation by naming what you have noticed 表达关心和关心(e.g. “I’ve noticed that you have a hard time making friends and that your grades have gone down a lot.  我真的很担心你和 你做得不好。”).  Listen to their concerns without judgment, interrupting, or advice-giving (unless it is requested), and ask questions to both help you understand their experience and convey that you care.  给予鼓励和安慰 你会在他们身边.  You can also share similar experiences, which normalizes the student’s experience and feelings, while also being mindful not to take the spotlight.  Avoid telling them how they should feel, placing blame, or focusing on “fixing” the problem—oftentimes just having someone to talk to can reduce distress and increase 被支持的感觉.  Before moving on to potential solutions, make sure to 给他们足够的时间“只是聊聊”.”


Our best efforts to help someone can fall apart if the other person does not need the help or if they need support in a different way than what we are providing.  的 best way to know how to support your student is by asking them “What do you need?” 或者“我能帮什么忙??”  If they do not know the answer, you can help them explore what their most pressing concerns are and make suggestions of what could be helpful.  In most situations, making sure the student has options will increase their commitment to take action, feelings of autonomy, and reduce distress.  越难越好 be for parents or family, sometimes a student needs space to process the situation for themselves or to figure out what they need.  如果你的学生拒绝帮助或者 asks for space and the situation does not call for immediate action, consider giving your student some time and space to think and take action on their own.


It is important for a student to know what resources are available on campus and who 他们可以寻求支持.  Encourage your student to identify the appropriate 资源和接触. You can follow up on your conversation after the initial “nudge” or after they have made the connection with the resource.  你也可以帮忙 your student identify others in their support system (e.g. 员工、教授、导师、 朋友,重要的人等等.) that can provide additional support—after all, many students are not comfortable talking to their parents about certain topics. 另外, it can provide some relief to you knowing that others are caring for your student 当他们不在的时候.

If your student’s well-being allows them to do so, give them the space to reach out 首先是为了他们自己.  This will help them develop valuable life skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and knowing when and how to ask for help.  如果你的学生不是 able to reach out for help on their own due to the severity of their struggles, then you might consider providing them support by locating information of local and campus resources, driving them to an appointment, going to an appointment with them if they so request, or providing moral support in other ways from afar.


As a parent or family member, you know when something is off or when your student 是挣扎.  Don’t hesitate to reach out or get help if your instincts tell you 有些地方不对劲.  If you suspect that your student needs immediate assistance, or their situation is unsafe or life-threatening, call 911 or the 北卡罗来纳警署 at (970) 351-2245.


Some students may be hesitant to reach out for help for various reasons.  如果你有 encouraged your student to reach out and they have not done so, you can reach out 为校园提供额外的支持.  的 学生拓展和支持办公室 can follow up 和你的学生 if they are not open to reaching out for services.  You can also contact the 咨询中心 at (970) 351-2496 for guidance on how to help guide the student toward getting assistance and support. 如果你知道你的 student is receiving services at our center, you are welcome to share your concerns 与我们.  然而, due to confidentiality laws, we are unable to confirm treatment or share information about a client’s treatment without a signed release of information.

Remember to also seek support for yourself.  适应你的学生离开 at college, seeing them struggle, and helping them with their transition and difficulties 也会对你造成伤害吗.  Caring for yourself will allow you to have more internal resources available to help your student through their struggles as well as your own.