



1997年由 的 National Association of the Deaf (NAD), 全国聋人历史月 recognizes the accomplishments of people who are deaf and hard of hearing. In 2022, NAD’s Deaf Culture and History Section (DCHS) and organizations representing marginalized communities, recommended the change in dates of observance to April 1-30 to be inclusive of experiences of BIPOC Deaf People and celebrate all Deaf persons in the US. 的 original dates of observance, March 13 – April 15, 是 established to recognize three key developments for the Deaf community which included the opening of the first public school for the deaf on April 15, 1817, now the 美国聋人学校, the founding of the first institution dedicated to advanced education for the deaf 听力不好, 加劳德特大学, on April 8, 1864, and the third event was the hiring of the first deaf president 在加劳德特大学,我. 1988年3月13日,乔丹国王.

研究 shows that deaf persons often experience educational attainment and employment 与听力正常的人相比. In a root cause analysis conducted by the 国家聋人中心 on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC), they found four primary root causes that affect postsecondary outcomes for 聋人. 的se causes include limited access to language and communication, reduced social opportunities, negative attitudes and biases, and lack of qualified and experienced 专业人士. Data 来自美国.S. Census Bureau showed that not only fewer 聋人 (21.完成4%) a bachelor’s degrees or higher than their hearing peers (36.9%) 是 also attainment gaps within the deaf community itself. 在22日.8%的白人聋人 people have a bachelor’s degree or higher, only 16.8%的黑人聋哑人,16.3% 拉丁聋哑人的比例.7% of Native American deaf persons have the same.

In an effort to improve experiences of deaf college students across the country, the 国家聋人中心 (NDC) is currently gathering data in their 2022-2023 Deaf Student Postsecondary Access and Inclusion Survey.  在国家自主贡献报告中, Deaf People and Employment in 美国: 2019, 数据显示,就业差距为22.5%. 虽然53.在美国,3%的聋哑人.S. 是 就业人数为75.8% of hearing persons, the data also shows that deaf persons are actively looking for work to a greater extent than hearing persons and that employment rates for deaf persons have not increased from 2008 to 2017. 另一个重要发现是 this report shows that educational attainment appears to narrow employment gaps.

UNC is actively contributing to efforts to improve employment opportunities for Deaf people by offering one of only two MA programs in the U.S. 让学生做好准备 to be American Sign Language teachers. 事实上, 教授美国手语硕士课程 at UNC is the only program that also offers K12 teacher licensure. 今年夏天UNC 欢迎它的10th cohort of students who will begin their journey to earn this degree. 迄今为止,更多 than 200 students, the majority of whom are Deaf, have graduated from the program and are working as 美国手语 teachers in high schools, colleges, and universities across 美国.

UNC also has a history of preparing Deaf people to work as specialized interpreters in 法律设置 and currently is training interpreters in rural communities. 的 Improving Rural Interpreting Skills (IRIS) Project 是2美元.1 million, five-year interpreter training grant awarded by the U.S. 部门 of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration to UNC的 美国手语 & 口译研究系 and envisions increasing the quantity and quality of interpreters working and living in rural settings, including interpreters who are Deaf themselves.

UNC的 残疾人士资源中心 提供了 D(D)听觉/听觉障碍服务 including American sign language interpreting, Computer-Aided Real Time Transcription (CART)和隐藏式字幕. Services are provided for students, staff, faculty and University sponsored events in an effort to make events inclusive and accessible 致在场的每一位. 的 DRC 提供了 an events planning guide, Inclusive Events A Guide to Planning an Accessible Event, to help you plan inclusive events.


For additional education and personal development related to diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as 美国手语 English interpretation, the following resources are available: 一些教育与资源, 一些 & 反种族主义资源 来自博天堂官方图书馆 教育公平工具包 from the Colorado 部门 of Higher Education, the 联合研讨会 对于教职员工和学生, 法律口译资源, Project CLIMB, and the 美国手语 Legal Dictionary for Deaf and Hearing Interpreters, the 美国手语 English Interpretation BA program, 以及美国手语教学硕士项目. Those wishing to learn 美国手语 are invited to consider 把一个 美国手语课程,或 美国手语小, which are offered both online and on the Greeley campus. 另外, UNC's Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Clinic serves students, faculty, staff, as well as the greater community.