
Importance of the Liberal 艺术 

Why should you get a degree in the Humanities and 社会科学?

To gain marketable skills

  • 接受调查的雇主中有74%会推荐学生接受文科教育 success in today’s global economy. In addition, 3/4 of employers want new hires with 人文学科教授的技能:批判性思维,解决复杂问题的能力, and written and oral communications. 1
  • 社会科学运动的一份报告显示,“84%的社会科学毕业生 我们有工作[3].5 years after they finished their degree], compared with 78% of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)” graduates. 2
  • 文科毕业生的失业率很低,而且会随着时间的推移而下降 unemployment rate for recent liberal arts graduates is 5.2%. 失业 rate for mature workers with liberal arts degrees (41-50) is 3.5 percent-just .04 比那些拥有专业或专业预科学位的人的比率高.” 3
  • 2010年IBM对ceo的一项调查将创造力列为教授的核心能力之一 在人文社会科学方面,作为“未来成功的最关键因素”.” 4

“It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough. 这是科技的结合 与人文学科相结合的文科,产生的结果是 我们的心在歌唱."
— Steve Jobs (1995-2011), former CEO of Apple, Inc.

“我见过很多精算师和工程师都很聪明,但他们都失败了 他们的沟通能力或商业化的想法,因为他们不能联系 the people they’re dealing with. The major I’m less concerned about; it’s the set of skills that people come into work with.” 
— Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna, Inc. (《博天堂官方》, 2013年6月10日)

To develop a capacity for job flexibility

“人文学科毕业生更广泛地分布在不同的经济部门 than degree holders in most other fields.” 5

Alynd首席社会官罗恩•沙阿(Rawn Shah)认为,各种科技领域都需要聘用社交人士 理工科毕业生为了“理解我们关系的内在联系” with customers and the groups they interact with, whom, 如何 and why.” 6

To cultivate a sense of personal satisfaction

84%的人文专业学生在毕业一年后对自己的专业选择感到满意 毕业. 7

To contribute meaningfully to your community

大学里更多的人文和社会科学课程是相关的 with greater probability of civic engagement. 8

To make a life, not just a living

文科学位不仅为学生谋生做好了准备,而且还能 创造生活. It can, for example, prepare students to reckon with a broad variety 生活的经历——工作、爱情、死亡、欢乐、创造、悲伤、信仰、激情、痛苦、 不公正、分歧、冲突、不宽容、快乐、宽恕、道德、价值观、 and all of the myriad choices that make up the human experience. 批判性思维、 沟通,创造性地解决问题,自我表达,创新研究,以及 终身学习——文科学位所强调的所有技能——是成功的核心 career and a well-lived life.

A liberal arts degree prepares students for a life of learning. It is a resource students 能在人的一生中解决人类的问题,提高人类的潜能. 它永远不会过时. It creates habits of mind that facilitate a life of learning and growth, professional and personal. It exercises the muscle of the mind, preparing 它不仅适用于专门的任务和能力,也适用于学习本身 learning faster, more thorough, and more permanent. It facilitates thinking for oneself, 评估论点和证据,而不是基于同伴、父母、 教授,或专业人士,但对自己的理解和创造性地使用信息 和想法. It is an education that builds on itself throughout a life, not just the four years students spend in college. Indeed, the skills a liberal arts degree develops help students confront their own and others’ humanity, not just earn a paycheck.

更广泛地说,文科教育让人们更快乐,生活更美好 令人愉快的. It helps students become well-rounded, interesting people who are more 能够享受与他人和周围世界的关系. 教育的广度可以解放思想,使其思考和参与各种各样的事情, cultivating intellectual and conceptual openness. It increases students’ ability to 将人物、事物和事件置于更广阔的背景中,使学生能够绘制地图 relationships between fields of study, things, 和想法. The liberal arts prepare 让学生理解和欣赏人类的聪明才智、想象力和成就; it cultivates a mind that enjoys itself.

Life is interdisciplinary. 学生平衡收支所需要的技能与实际技能是不一样的 needed to decide 如何, when, on 什么, and with whom they spend their money. 广泛地说, 文科教育培养学生批判性和积极思考的能力 他们作为员工在生活中会遇到的各种问题和可能性 雇主,作为友谊、伙伴关系、家庭和社区的参与者, and as citizens of a nation and the world. The broader knowledge and understanding 世界上一个文科学位培养帮助学生从事一些 当今最重要的问题:环境,外交政策,社会正义,国家 国际安全,道德,事实上,我们作为人类所面临的所有问题 与他人的关系. The best education asks students to reach beyond their own 体验看到和想象与他们在时间、空间和思想上不同的世界. 多学科的教育和经验创造了深度和多样性 在竞争激烈、瞬息万变的就业市场中取得成功的本质也是如此 of the human experience—relationships. Through a liberal arts education, students develop multiple lenses for looking at the human experience. The kind of interdisciplinary 思考文科教育提供的不仅使学生更好的观察者 of phenomena, but also of the very lenses through which they observe. 所有的知识 and the way we know it becomes subject to analysis, criticism, and evaluation. 学生 成为批判性的读者,不仅是人类经验的读者,也是透过镜头的读者 which they themselves interpret or “read” the world. 检查不仅 什么 other people look at but also at 如何 他们看着它,创造了同理心的能力,更有效,更充实 communication between people who might be very different from each other. 这, 本身,使学生成为更好的朋友,合作伙伴,父母,公民,和 人类. Isn’t that 什么 education, at its best, is for?

1 “它需要的不仅仅是一个专业”(美国学院和大学协会, 2013)
2 “社会科学毕业生比科学或艺术毕业生更容易找到工作." (ScienceDaily, 28 October 2013).
3 “新报告证明,文科学科为毕业生的长期发展做好了准备 《博天堂官方网站》(美国高校协会,1月) 22, 2014)
4 IBM 2010全球CEO研究:创造力被选为未来最关键的因素 Success” (IBM Press Release, 18 May 2010)
5 “American Academy of 艺术 and Sciences, Humanities Report Card 2013”
6 Rawn Shah, “Future Tech Jobs: We Need Social Science 研究生s” (Forbes.6月22日 2011)
7 “American Academy of 艺术 and Sciences, Humanities Report Card 2013”
8 缺失的一环:探索高等教育与政治的关系 Engagement” (Political Behavior, 2005)

报告由克里斯汀·塔尔博特和莫莉·德斯贾丁斯编纂和撰写 人文社会科学学院文科小组委员会答辩书 Undergraduate Success Committee. Published online May 2014; updated May 2016.