

To be included in UNCO’s LAC, the course must meet the 需求 for one of the CDHE’s six general education categories. 这些 six are: written communication, mathematics, arts and humanities, social and behavioral 科学, history, physical and natural 科学. To meet the 需求 for a particular category, a course must be designed for student learning in designated competencies and content criteria. 需要SLOs (student learning outcomes) have been identified for each competency and content criteria. A UNCO/LAC syllabus should identify these competencies, content criteria and SLOs for students as well as “map” the course learning materials, readings, activities, 以及对slo的评估.

Therefore, to be Approved into UNCO’s Liberal 艺术 Curriculum, the syllabi submitted 通过工作流(the 课程认可大纲)必须包括以下内容 四个 elements (course with IS and MS designation will have 5 elements):

(1) the 要求 CDHE gtPathways statement,
(2) the content 能力标准 for your LAC/gtP category copied verbatim,
(3) student learning outcomes connected to those criteria, and
(4) evidence of clear alignment between major assignments and activities and the SLOs/content 能力标准.

CDHE gtPathways声明:
“The Colorado Commission on Higher Education has approved [Course prefix, number] for inclusion in the Guaranteed 转移 (GT) Pathways program in the [GT-@@#] category.  For transferring students, successful completion with a minimum C‒ grade guarantees transfer and application of credit in this GT Pathways category.  了解更多信息 on the GT Pathways program, go to http://highered.colorado.gov/academics/transfers/gtpathways/curriculum.html

The content and competency 需求 and associated SLOs vary by gtP/LAC Category. 有 two direct ways to locate these on the LAC website: one is the 类别教学大纲模板 on the 课程审批程序 page; the other is the 学生学习成果 on the 结果及评估 page. They can also be found in the 样例教学大纲 on the Course Approval process page and can be accessed via the CDHE website http://highered.colorado.gov/students/attending-college/credit-transfer/guaranteed-transfer-gt-pathways-general-education

The provided 类别教学大纲模板 provide one way to show the “mapping” of course content 以及对slo的评估. 这些 templates are suggestions and not 要求. The sample syllabi are from actual UNCO courses that have been approved into the LAC and all include course mapping.

Courses that also carry an IS or MS designation must also have the following:
(5) include the relevant learning outcomes for that designation and have assignments aligned with those outcomes as well.

The IS (国际 Studies) and MS (Multicultural Studies) designations are not linked to state general education categories, but rather are unique to UNCO. 这些 designations can be “added” to courses already in the 艺术 and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and History LAC Categories. 有 NO IS or MS only courses in UNCO’s LAC. Note: students are 要求 to take one LAC course with an IS designation and one with an MS designation. 

If you would like to add an IS or MS designation, the syllabus 需求 are the same as for the LAC Category approval and must be added to your syllabus in addition to what is 要求 for the LAC Category. You can find the IS and MS Competency statements 和slo 教学大纲是模板吗 on the Course Approval page or the in the UNC IS and MS 学生学习成果 on the 结果及评估 page. 样例教学大纲 that include IS and MS designations are identified on the 课程审批程序 Page. 有 NO content criteria for IS/MS designations and faculty 选择 the subset of identified SLOs that best fit your course.

As noted on the 课程审批程序 page, to be Approved for and IS/MS designation, an assessment chart must also be submitted. 有关图表,请参阅 IS/MS评估表 and for UNCO course examples of these, see the Sample IS/MS评估表 on the 课程审批程序 Page.

If you find this helpful, here is the review chart used by the LAC when determining if the Approval Syllabus meets the requirement. LAC Indirect Syllabus Review Checklist

Note: Though UNCO does not require that the syllabi used by faculty in teaching a course match the 课程认可大纲, all Teaching Syllabi must include the same 要求 elements as the 课程认可大纲. The LAC’s ISR process reviews Teaching Syllabi to ensure that the syllabi students receive in an LAC course meet gtP/LAC 需求.